Mt. Capistrano - A Holy Week Ride at Malaybalay Bukidnon

Bukidnon, from the root word “bukid” is a highland province of the Philippines located in the Northern part of Mindanao. It is where Mt. Dulang-dulang and Mt. Kitanglad was located - the 2nd and 4th highest mountains in the Philippines. True to its name, Bukidnon offers a variety of fun filled, thrilling and exciting adventures waiting for you to experience.

Among the mountain ranges surrounding the whole province of Bukidnon, the most accessible and frequented by tourists is Mount Capistrano located at Sitio Binalbagan, Brgy. Simaya in Malaybalay, Bukidnon’s Capital City.
Mt. Capistrano is a 610 MASL minor peak visible along the highways of Malaybalay City. Although it is not that high, the trail is quite treacherous for the adept hikers and tourists alike.

Last Holy week of 2017, Our MC Club organized a Long Ride to Bukidnon and Mt. Capistrano is among the lists of destinations we have in our itinerary. We reached the registration site around 5AM but was overwhelmed by the amount of tourists flooding the area. Our team, composed of 24 pax, was able to register after dawn. Registration fee is 20.00 Pesos and tour guide fee is 500 Pesos for 15 pax.

We started the trek around 6:30AM at the 300 steps of concrete stairs. And since there are way too many people assaulting and descending, our team was slowly divided into smaller groups along the way.

Surviving the 300+ concrete stairs is one thing, balancing at about 70 degree angled open trail is another thing. A rope was installed for the hikers to take a grasp upon ascending. Others prefer crawling, adding traffic to the already crowded trail. Although within reach, the short assault surely gives shivers to one’s unpracticed knees. 

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Mt. Capistrano, although below 1k MASL has a variety of very steep trails with its own difficulty levels. What awaits upon surviving the open trail is yet another steep rainforest trail. Adding more difficulty are the people lining up, waiting for their turn to assault. And since it is a rainforest, the trail is always muddy thus slipping upon assaulting is very possible. Some slid actually.

After the open and rainforest trail, a resting point came. It is where most hikers and guides take a rest and regenerates energy. The resting spot is also the mark of the final assault.


After the resting spot, another muddy forest trail comes. It is the final muddy assault before reaching the yet another steep rocky trail. Reaching the rocky trail marks the final assault and the summit is within reach.

As we reached the summit, we were once again overwhelmed by the fact that there were way too many people enjoying the breathtaking view atop the rocky peak of Mount Capistrano. Vendors have also sprouted at the peak.

Total amount of time spent trekking the summit of Mount Capistrano was more than 2 hours. It was because the whole trail was flooded by tourists both ascending and descending. Nevertheless, the escapade was worth all the challenges we experienced on the short but arduous trail. The magnificent view of bukidnon mountain ranges backdropping the flatlands surrounding your view 360 degrees is very invigorating.

We enjoyed the relaxing view for an hour before we decided to descend. One hour is not enough to appreciate the natural beauty you can see above, but, we have to move on to another destination before the day ends.

Backtracking the trail is yet another fun story.

How To Get Here:

• From Davao City, Ride a bus going northbound via BuDa and alight at Brgy. Aglayan, MalayBalay City, Bukidnon. Non stop bus is 500Php and non aircon is around 300Php.

• Then take a habal-habal to sitio Binalbagan, Brgy. Simaya or tell the habal-habal driver to drop you off at Mt. Capistrano registration area.

• From Cagayan De Oro, ride a bus going Davao City via Bukidnon and alight at Brgy. Aglayan, MalayBalay City. Price ranges almost the same.

• Then take a habal-habal to sitio Binalbagan, Brgy. Simaya or tell the habal-habal driver to drop you off at Mt. Capistrano registration area.
Jay Vie Piamonte

Jay Vie Piamonte

Is an adventurer on a budget who wishes to explore the beautiful Philippines. He's currently an active volunteer of the Happy Forest Kids of Davao.