Rong Fa House Chinese Cuisine at Davao Chinatown

February 12, 2013 , 1 Comments

Last February 9, I was given the chance to eat some Authentic Chinese foods at Rong Fa House Chinese Cuisine along Chinatown as part of our food trip and photo walk event for this year's Chinese New Year.

Rong Fa House Chinese Cuisine is just one of the few restaurants in Davao serving authentic 'home-made' Chinese cuisine. Thanks to Ms. Nat Lim for bringing us here. I barely eat Chinese foods (except for noodles), even those commonly served dishes at known Chinese restaurants. So basically this will be my first time eating Chinese chows.

Rice in Pot

I think it would be more effective if I was able to get the Chinese names of the foods we ordered but anyhow, I still can remember the English menu. Ms. Nat ordered 'Rice in Pot' and their specialty, 'Oyster Cake' for us. 

The 'Rice in Pot' was first served. The rice is topped with a slice of meat and egg, green peas and peanuts. I can't determine the exact taste of it since (as I've said earlier) it was my first time to try such kind of food. But in fairness, It tastes great. The combined ingredients complements well with each other.

Oyster Cake

That been sprouts looks enticing

Next is their specialty, the Oyster Cake. All along I was thinking that this isn't the cake they are referring because it does not look like a cake after all. Cakes for me are those filled with icings and are generally sweet while the former looks more like a pizza. The taste was surprisingly good and inviting. I managed to eat a slice of it and wanted to eat a few more but my stomach does not permit me coz it's already full. he he


They also make tikoi.

Rong Fa House Chinese Cuisine is known to the Chinese community in Davao Chinatown but most of the locals aren't aware that this restaurant does exist. In fact when I google'd it, nothing appears relevant (there are few actually..xD). So I guess this post is worthy for those foodie junkies who wants to try out something different..

For those who wants to try some authentic Chinese meals, you can visit their restaurant at Quezon Blvd, Just beside Mang Inasal at DCLA..


Jay Vie Piamonte

Is an adventurer on a budget who wishes to explore the beautiful Philippines. He's currently an active volunteer of the Happy Forest Kids of Davao.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of this restaurant too.
    Thanks for this!
    Will certainly drop by in this Chinese resto.:D
